When the time of the Antichrist begins, it will
become unlawful to be a professing Christian and church buildings
will be closed. Pastors and church leaders who preach the true
Gospel will be arrested and sent to labor camps or simply executed.
If you think that can't happen, this is the life of Christians in
China today. Furthermore, you will lose access to the Internet,
which will be purged of all websites that include Christian content
or opposes the new world government and Bibles will only be
available on the black market.
It is possible to prepare for a natural disaster but it takes
careful planning. In much the same way, Christians need to take
stock and get ready as we see the end times approaching. It is naive
to think that public churches will continue undisturbed when the
Antichrist comes on the scene. They will be closed and you still
need to carry on the work of Christ under a ruthless dictatorship.
The early church survived in a hostile environment and you can too.
Now is the time to get ready. |