The eighth chapter of Romans says that all things
work out for good to them that love God. That means you won't always
get what you want but God will provide exactly what you need because
He has an eternal perspective and will support things that promote
spiritual growth. Jesus didn't provide salvation and send the Holy
Spirit only to abandon you in a time of need. But just like with a
natural disaster, you need to prepare yourself as the end times are
almost upon us. You can do this by mentally trusting in God alone,
not in men or a government and be ready to live and die for your
faith. God desires your obedience and this act of free will is
something that Satan also craves. Maintain a close relationship with
Jesus or you won't hold up when the pressure hits. While there is
still time, find likeminded believers and meet together for prayer,
worship and study. You also need to prepare to live in the
supernatural because there will come a time when you won't be able
to rely upon man. The early church thrived because it depended upon
the central leadership of the Holy Spirit. In the end, God is your
source and you need to be ready when things get tough. |