Many people erroneously believe that Constantine
founded the Roman Catholic Church in 325 A.D., but it was really an
unholy union of the empire and the churches within it, and as Rome
crumbled, the bishop's political and military influence also
diminished. That all changed in the 8th century when Charlemagne
needed a religion to unite the different nationalities of his
kingdom and the unholy union was once again revived because he needed a
religion to unite the different nationalities of his kingdom. He
courted the papacy and the Church of Rome became the official state
religion of the Franks and the kingdom was subsequently renamed The
Holy Roman Empire. History has shown that no political system can
exist apart from a religious system, and what the Devil did back
then is also going to be repeated in the future, but on a much
larger scale, because today's technology is so advanced that mankind
can be monitored and controlled at all times. Satan counterfeits
everything that God has done and one day the Roman Catholic Church
will be the platform that he will use to convince the world that the
Antichrist is really the long awaited messiah. The man of sin will
appear as a lamb but he will speak as a dragon! |