Jesus is coming back for his bride and it should be
of great comfort to know that God has made wonderful preparations
for our welfare and departure from this planet. Someday the dead in
Christ will be extracted from the earth and sea and receive eternal
spirit bodies just like Jesus had at his resurrection. Those who are
still alive will also be caught up together with the dead in the air
to meet Jesus in the clouds. The rapture will not happen until the
Antichrist has been revealed; not only that but he will sit in the
rebuilt temple at Jerusalem and declare his godhood to the world.
Conversely, the Book of Revelation is the only place
where we are told about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For this
magnificent party, God has prepared a banquet hall that is big
enough to hold untold millions of Christians and Jesus will finally
be united with his bride, the Church. We will attend with our new
spiritual bodies and Jesus will be married to the bride He purchased
on the cross. It will truly be an incredible experience but these
future events are only exciting if you have a seat reserved for this
heavenly party. Do you have a reservation for the Marriage Supper of
the Lamb? It's still not too late to make a decision about your
eternal fate! |