At the end of the millennium God will send an angel
to release the Devil from the bottomless pit and bring him back to
earth. The time in solitary confinement has not caused him to
repent, and in a calculated move, he will direct his fallen angels
to entice those who have been born during his absence to sin and
make him their god. Unlike today, there has been no salvation for
the people born during this thousand year reign of Christ. They will
be just like the angels before the creation of mankind; those born
during the millennium will only get one chance to accept Jesus as
their Savior or follow Lucifer and be forever damned to the Lake of
Fire. Sadly, the majority of the people who lived in this earthly
paradise for a thousand years will believe the colorful lies of the
Devil and launch a disastrous attack on Jesus at Jerusalem that ends
in defeat, and finally Satan and his fallen angels are cast into the
Lake of Fire, never to be heard from again. God gave extensive
information about this war to the prophet Ezekiel because he wants
future generations to know what they will have to face. Even so,
many will still choose the losing side. |