It is popular nowadays to preach on God's love
because we live in a time of grace and compassion but that won't
always be the case with the Great White Throne Judgment at the end
of the millennium. On that day God's love and grace will be gone and
it will be time for judgment in the twenty mile long Valley of
Jehoshaphat that lies east of Jerusalem. Every person in hell will
be resurrected with a body of shame and brought to this valley to
receive their eternal punishment. Those who were saved at the end of
the millennium will also be judged, but instead of punishment, they
will receive rewards and join the ranks of the resurrected believers
in Christ. When the last human being has been judged, God's angels
will cast death and hell into the Lake of Fire. The unsaved will
experience God's wrath while we who are saved can look forward to an
eternity in heaven. Only those who truly understand what it means to
experience the wrath of God in the Lake of Fire will be filled with
an overwhelming desire to lead as many people to Christ as possible. |