When it comes to eternity, most of what we know about
can be found in the Book of Revelation. In reading the Bible, we
find there are four dwelling places in existence. The first place is
where God dwells in the spirit realm somewhere outside of our
creation. The second place is our universe where angels and humans
live, then there is the Lake of Fire, a place of eternal torment
designed for the Devil and his angels but it is also for everyone
who rejected the Gospel message. The final place is the new
creation. It will be set up in a similar manner to our current
universe with a special planet called earth, but this earth will be
different in that there will be no oceans of water on it, just a
river of living water. There will be a New Jerusalem but it cannot
be compared to the current city. This new city will be designed and
built in the dwelling place of God and then transported into the new
creation and placed upon the new earth. The earth will be lit by a
supernatural light coming from God and He will remove all the bad
memories and wipe away our tears so we can live a life of total
happiness for eternity. It will truly be an incredible time in
eternity with God. |