Jesus had sinless blood flowing through his veins but
he also had a physical body provided by Mary. That meant Jesus was
both God and man at the same time, tempted in all ways like us, yet
without sin. When Satan confronted Jesus in the wilderness and
pushed his buttons, he was trying to get an emotional response that
would result in the downfall of Jesus. God's angels and Satan's
fallen angels were not permitted to take part in this spiritual
battle but watched breathlessly as Jesus was tempted three times by
the Devil and rebuffed him an equal number of times with the Word of
God. Three years later Satan mustered all the power at his disposal
and set out to kill Jesus. The Devil wasn't merely content to kill
the Son of God; he wanted brutally beat, humiliate and crucify Him
on a cross. It was a huge spiritual battle that we will one day see
played out at the Great White Throne Judgment and I am sure we will
cringe in agony when we realize just how much Jesus suffered to pay
for our sins. |