When will the Holy Spirit leave the earth? According
to those who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, the Holy Spirit
is holding back the Antichrist, and when he is removed, Satan will
finally be able to usher in the Man of Sin. However, scripture
reveals it is an angel of the Lord, not the Holy Ghost, who is
holding back the Antichrist. The Holy Spirit has a definitive role
to play because Jesus promised to never leave or forsake us. Since
Jesus is not presently on earth, He is represented by the Holy Ghost
that He sent to be with us. That means the Holy Spirit will continue
to indwell every believer in Christ until the end of the world when
this creation is dissolved and we move into the new creation. The
Bible doesn't say that we will be raptured away before the
Antichrist comes on the scene, and if that is the case, we will have
an ally that won't vanish away when needed most. Keep in mind that
the gospel didn't come only in word, but also in power and in the
Holy Ghost. If you live to see the Man of Sin, God has not abandoned
you. |