One day Satan is going to use the Antichrist to
control the world's population through basic necessities such as
food and lodging. This scenario could not have occurred 1,900 years
ago when the apostle John received the revelation because the world
was fragmented into small local economies and the tools and
technology needed by the Antichrist were not yet in existence. The
Antichrist system described in the Book of Revelation needs a global
economy, computers and a personal identification number. Unseen
powers from Satan are putting together the final pieces for a World
Federation and the ramifications are staggering. The world's
religions will be merged into one. Nations will give up their
sovereignty and all business will take place through a microchip
implanted under the skin. The Antichrist is not going to come to
power in one day. It will be a gradual process that involves
economic collapse, food shortage and civil unrest. The Bible doesn't
tell us to surrender to the Antichrist; instead, we are to fight
with spiritual weapons in the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be
an unparalleled time to minister to the hurting and to offer them
the hope of the Gospel! |