An alcoholic will never seek help until he can first
admit that he has a problem. It is the same with soul damage as most
people don't even know their soul can be damaged by sin and abuse
from parents, siblings and other people in their life. Nevertheless,
spiritual wounds will make your body sick and unable to function
properly in the kingdom of God. One way that soul damage will
manifest itself is in uncontrollable anger that flares up for
seemingly no reason. Demons of anger will attract spirits of
offense, unforgiveness, bitterness, hate and revenge. These evil
spirits will zealously guard any soul damage in order to make sure
that healing doesn't take place. This means that before a soul can
be healed, all demons must first be cast out. The modern church
can't help because it denies or downplays the role and power of the
demonic world. The good news is that Jesus came to heal the broken
hearted and to set at liberty them that are bruised. Divine healing
of the soul will only come about when the satanic road blocks have
been removed. So if you're struggling with a wounded soul, you don't
have to finish your life that way. Jesus promised an abundant life;
you can be healed and set free. The choice is yours. |