What does it mean to live in Christ? This is a term
that you may have heard and sounds well-meaning but what does it
truly mean? Some people are born again at an early age, some as an
early adult, while others come to Christ late in life. Life
experiences will vary and so will the amount of sin in each person’s
life, but if you have experienced the grace of God, you know what it
means to be forgiven and to have your slate wiped clean. Salvation is not just head knowledge but an
experience in which the God of creation saw fit to love you despite
the ugliness of sin. God’s unconditional love is a wonderful and
life changing event and the good news is that this relationship with
Jesus gets better over time. Christianity is not about obtaining
eternity insurance because we don’t want to go to hell but a
realization that we are sinners and that God came to the earth as a
man to pay for the sins of mankind. It is Christ in us that gives us the hope of glory –
here on earth and in eternity to come. Jesus is the source of the
hope for mankind. That is why He declared, “I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Everything
happens through Jesus. It is truly Christ in you, the hope of glory! |