The human body and its brain are neither good nor
evil. The soul with its spirit body is the real you, provides the
personality to the body, and where your spiritual mind resides. All
your talents, intelligence, feelings and memories are stored there.
Satan will therefore direct his attacks against the soul, which
creates sickness in the physical body. This means you need to put on
spiritual armor because physical weapons cannot be used to fight
against Satan and his demons. God created the body with a built-in
healing system; however, when Adam’s spirit died and his soul was
contaminated by sin, sickness began to manifest itself in the human
body. Family, friends, neighbors and co-workers can cause soul
damage. A soul that is wounded will cause the immune system to
operate improperly. This means if your soul is unhappy, it will
hinder the body from being healed and sickness has a root which can
be traced back to the soul. The medical establishment can only
address the symptoms but they are unable to treat the root cause.
Medication will mask the pain but it does not provide the cure for a
wounded soul. Only Jesus can be the healer of your soul! |