As slaves in Egypt, the descendants of Abraham were
not a nation, but a collection of twelve tribes. They worshiped the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but there was no personal
relationship. As a result, their faith in God was shallow and this
made them spiritually weak. The ten plagues laid upon the Egyptians
and the parting the of the Red Sea did not instill faith in the
children of Israel. They gave no thought to the promise given to
Abraham of a future redeemer who would pay for the sins of mankind.
They were only concerned with food, clothing and a comfortable life
for their families. God wanted to strip the people of their independence
and force them to depend upon the Lord instead of themselves. They
had been delivered from the bondage of Pharaoh but had become slaves
of God in the process. The Lord’s plan was to clean up their
idolatry and sin in order to bring them into the Promised Land and
bless them. God never looks for independent people; He is looking
for people who want to become dependent upon Him. Are you a bond
slave of Jesus Christ? |