We must live in the supernatural and expect miracles
as we oppose the Devil. Moses knew he was in trouble when Korah
openly confronted and accused him of malfeasance. Korah's
rebellion grew out of discontent because he was not satisfied to
serve in the tabernacle and wanted more. This was not a small
rebellion but involved 250 princes and posed a serious threat. When
the confrontation finally happened, Moses knew that he could not
singlehandedly oppose the insurrection. It was a life or death
situation that could only be resolved by God in the supernatural.
God did resolve the conflict supernaturally but Satan worked up the
people the next day and Moses was in danger yet again until God
intervened and once more silenced the opposition. The Devil is not
one to bang his head into a wall and will quickly change tactics
when he cannot achieve a breakthrough. Rebellion grows in the soil
of discontent and Moses lived in the supernatural, expecting God to
deliver miracles. God will protect His work on earth but it takes
courage and faith on our part to oppose the Devil and his forces. |