When Moses came to Egypt to free the Hebrews from
slavery, Joshua caught the vision early on and served as a personal
assistant to Moses. Joshua had several outstanding qualities.
Namely, he was loyal to Moses, he had faith in God and he was
determined to see God's vision for the people of Israel come to
pass. Joshua walked through the Red Sea, saw the many miracles and
all the judgments that came with rebellion. He learned it is
important to stay faithful in the position where God has placed you
but the greatest impact must have been when God told Moses that he
would not be allowed into the Promised Land because of anger and
disobedience. The mantle of leadership eventually passed to Joshua
after Moses' death and with it came the challenge of providing food,
water and clothing for millions of Israelites, acting as the new
commander-in-chief of the army and being in charge of the judicial
system. It was heavy load to bear and Joshua recognized that he
would fail in this awesome task if he did not rely upon the Lord's
help in leading the people of Israel. |