Why did God select the land of Canaan with the city
of Salem as His capital? How did the descendants of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob come to be chosen by God? The Israelites were chosen by
God to be custodians of the Promised Land but they didn’t realize it
was a battleground between God and the Devil. The Jordan River
overflows its banks every spring and turns into a creek later in the
summer, but while the water was running high, God wanted to instill
faith in the Israelites and fear into the inhabitants of Canaan.
Joshua and the Israelites had no knowledge of God’s eternal plan. It
was not an accident that they were about to enter Canaan through a
seemingly dangerous method. All they knew was that God had chosen
them and that they had a destiny. God wanted them to trust that He
had a purpose and that the end result was good. It required faith
for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, while it wasn’t as
wide and deep as the Red Sea, it was still dangerous and many of
them could have drowned in the flood waters. Walking with God will
require faith in action. It will take you out of your comfort zone
and challenge you to implicitly believe that God is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek Him. |