God could have supernaturally cleared out the land of
Canaan so that the Israelites didn't have to lift a finger but that
was not the case because He wanted the Israelites to mature
spiritually. Five kings rose up against the Israelites after
victories at Jericho and Ai. God intervened and decimated the enemy
by raining down large rocks and hail from the sky. Daylight was
fading as the remaining enemy soldiers ran away and Joshua needed
more time to finish the battle. In faith, he boldly commanded the
sun and the moon to stand still in the sky. God provided the miracle
Joshua was seeking and extended the daylight until Joshua and the
soldiers of Israel had finished the battle. It was an extraordinary day and the Bible says there
was no day like it before or after because the Lord hearkened to the
voice of a man and fought for Israel. As we approach the end times,
Christians need to start thinking in the supernatural and not just
attempt to survive when the Antichrist comes to power. We live in the natural, but we serve the Lord, and it is time
to believe in the impossible and live in the miraculous! |