The Lord showed King Nebuchadnezzar a dream that left
him perplexed and only Daniel was able to recount the dream and its
warning. Nebuchadnezzar recognized the Lord’s hand upon Daniel, and
just like Joseph in Egypt so many years before, God ruled Babylon
through Daniel until Nebuchadnezzar passed away. There were many
palace coups during the next 23 years that left Daniel forgotten and
pushed aside as one man after another sought the coveted throne. All that changed under the reign of King Belshazzar
when God wrote a message on the palace wall that left the king
terrified and baffled as to the meaning. Daniel was no longer a
young man and his bold warning of impending judgment fell on deaf
ears. The power of God can manifest itself in various ways. Daniel
had an unlikely success story as God used him to repeatedly change
the course of political events in the Babylonian empire. While God
allowed the Israelites to be conquered, He didn’t abandon them in a
hostile land and Daniel’s life is evidence of God’s faithfulness in
the midst of adversity. |