Daniel was around 83 years old when Babylon was
conquered by Persia and Darius the Mede was set up as a vassal king.
Darius recognized that Daniel was superior to all the other
political leaders and made him second-in-command. This made the
other political rulers resent Daniel and they conspired to have him
removed from power and executed. A law was crafted that flattered
Darius' vanity because it forbade anyone in Babylon to pray or
worship a deity or man other than the king for 30 days. Darius
signed it because he thought that it would solidify his grip on the
people of Babylon. When Daniel continued to pray and worship the
Lord like he had always done, the conspirators gleefully reported
his illegal activity. King Darius had been outsmarted and was forced
to comply; Daniel was placed into a lion's den, but the political
conspirators had not taken into account the God which Daniel served.
An angel of the Lord was there to shut the mouths of the ferocious
lions so they could not harm Daniel in any way. The same could not
be said for the conspirators when they were later thrown into the
same lion's den for their duplicity. The Lord will intervene in the
affairs of men and nothing can stop God from unfolding His program
on earth! |