Every society has untouchables. Some people are
social pariahs, sometimes society discriminates based upon
genealogy, while some people may have a sickness or disability that
sets them apart. Leprosy is a flesh eating disease that slowly
consumes the body. For this reason, lepers were untouchables and
separated from the rest of society. When traveling outside the leper
community, a leper had to loudly announce that he was unclean
because it was a death sentence to come in contact with a healthy
person. Nevertheless, this man took a chance and boldly approached
Jesus and was rewarded for his faith. The Roman centurion had two
strikes against him because he was a Gentile and part of the brutal
occupation force that kept the Jews from achieving independence. Yet
he humbled himself and asked a Jew for a personal favor. This hated
Roman had a need and recognized that Jesus was a man of God
operating in the power of the spoken word. Earlier that day Jesus
said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Jesus responded to each
man's faith as they came for help because of a spiritual law He had
revealed earlier that day. In short, a Christian is what he speaks
and believes! |