Did Jesus know He was the Son of God? Absolutely!
Satan would have you believe Jesus doubted himself because it
weakens the Christian faith and reduces it to just another religion.
However, the New Testament unequivocally proves that Jesus knew from
the age of 12 that He was the Son of God who was sent from God the
Father and that He had full knowledge of His eternal existence,
including His role as the Creator. This is important because there
are unsaved people who believe that Jesus was skeptical of His own
divinity and make movies portraying Him so. Even worse are the
seminary professors who relegate Him to only being a great teacher. The apostle John stated that anyone who denies that
Jesus is God has the spirit of the Antichrist. Is it any wonder the
secular world portrays Jesus in the way that they do? Here are the
facts: Jesus knew that He was the Son of God in human form. He had
full remembrance of His life as the Son of God. He knew that He was
the Creator and He knew that He would return to heaven and resume
His position as the Son of God. The only thing that He left behind
when He came to earth was His glory, which He reassumed after the
ascension. Jesus undeniably knew He was God and man, who had come to
live on the earth and die for our sins. Don't let anyone tell you
otherwise! |