The God hating justices of the Supreme Court have
imposed same sex marriage upon our nation and half of Americans
agree with their judicial activism. The problem is that our descent
into moral decay did not begin with this recent ruling. It actually
began many years ago when fornication and adultery became common
practice, and in time homosexuality has also become common as well.
This has opened the door to other carnal desires like prostitution,
sadomasochism, polygamy and pedophilia. America is headed in the
same direction as Sodom and Gomorrah of old and the God haters are
systematically removing all moral restraints from society and every
carnal desire is being embraced in total disregard for our Creator.
God intended a man and woman to become one flesh in marriage and
raise children but it is a counterfeit when a man marries a man, or
a woman marries a woman, because they are made one flesh by Satan!
We are under grace at the moment but that won’t last forever because
God is not mocked. If God did not spare the Israelites from
destruction when they rebelled, do you think America is exempt from
God's laws? God owes it to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah to judge
America according to her sins. |