We live in a society that embraces mankind’s sinful
nature. Everyone is mainly concerned with me, me and more of me and
Christians are also guilty of this mindset. Have you taken the time
to find what Jesus wants from you? Are you striving to please your
Savior? Jesus does not look kindly upon rebellion and this was the
common denominator with Adam and Eve, Moses and Aaron, King Saul and
King David. There were grave consequences to their insubordinate
acts. Yes, there was a certain amount of grace as God did not kill
them immediately but there were consequences nonetheless. The
apostle Paul said that all these things happened as an example and
were written for our admonition so that we could learn from their
mistakes. What is your attitude like? Do you try and get as close to
the line as possible to see how much you can get away with? That’s a
risky way to live. It’s your choice if you want to live a life of
obedience and a foundation of love with the Lord or to side with the
Devil and his foundation that is built upon lies and disobedience. |