Lying is a sin and not a popular topic but it
needs to be addressed because it is prevalent even in churches
today. The early church struggled with this issue as well when
Ananias and Sapphira sold some property and conspired to lie to the
apostles in order to receive public recognition. Satan blinded them the moment they discussed the
deception. In carrying out their dishonesty, they blatantly violated
the ninth commandment, and the Holy Spirit took the drastic action
of ending their lives. This brought great fear to the church members
when they realized that God would not tolerate such a transgression. God hates lying because there is no integrity when
people lie; more importantly, demons have a legal right to move in
and oppress you. Jesus paid for your sins on the cross but doesn't
give you the right to habitually sin and claim the grace of God. Living with sin only brings a string of curses into
your life and robs you of God's blessings. Lying is a sin and it is
important to root it out if you want to have spiritual power and
walk in the light with the Lord Jesus Christ! |