Jews are a blessing to the world through their
preservation of the Scriptures and the fact that Jesus Christ came
from their bloodline. But Satan also has a plan for them and it came
to fruition when they were conquered in 722 B.C. and the hateful
writings of the Talmud were developed. The Bible says that God is
not a respecter of persons; every person that fears the Lord and
works righteousness is acceptable in His sight. However, the Talmud
states that only Jews have a soul, everyone else is considered
cattle. The apostles of the New Testament were taken in by this
3,000 year old deception and ignored Jesus’ command to preach the
gospel to every human being. It took a divine revelation to show
Peter that God loves all men and that Jesus didn’t die on the cross
exclusively for the Jews. Satan isn’t one to give up on a lie and
this old deception has been revived under the guise of Christian
Zionism. Judaizers have brought in the heretical teaching that God
has a special salvation plan for the Jewish people and we should not
speak to them about Jesus. Christians are told to support the
political state of Israel or be cursed. Do you believe the lie
propagated by the Talmud or have you been set free in Christ Jesus? |