The UFO crash in the desert just outside the city of
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 was perhaps the greatest event of the
century because it radically advanced humanity’s technology. Fiber
optics, Kevlar, lasers, night vision and the integrated circuit chip
are just some of the technological innovations that catapulted the
knowledge of mankind and made the stuff of science fiction come
true. There would be no space program, smart phones, personal
computers, internet, GPS systems, flat screen televisions or any
other technology we have today without this Luciferian advancement.
Satan didn’t do this because he was benevolent but because he wants
to control humanity in a way that has not been duplicated since the
time before Noah’s flood. The Devil needs a way to control people in
place in order to establish the Antichrist system with a world
government led by the Man of Sin. World banking and trade have been
secured and the only remaining hurdle is for all nations to
voluntarily give up their sovereignty and become provinces in this
new World Federation. Jesus warned us that the second coming would
be just like it was in the days of Noah. Time is growing short. What
are you doing for the kingdom of God? |