The ancient people of Israel were not a race but a
family that grew so large that it became a nation and God called
different men and women into action during its storied history. The
kingdom of Israel split after King Solomon's death and the two
subsequent offshoots were eventually conquered by the Assyrians and
the Babylonians because they ignored God's warning in Deuteronomy
chapter 28. The Lord allowed the Israelites to return from captivity
and rebuild the temple but He never commissioned them to
re-establish the kingdom that had been lost due to rebellion.
Ezekiel later received a vision and prophecy of God supernaturally
restoring the kingdom of Israel. The problem for Christian Zionists
is that God's vision and timeline simply does not match up with the
state of Israel we know today. The consequences of the Kabbalistic
land grab have not yielded the peace and harmony promised by God
because the Jews struggle every day just to maintain their foothold
in the Middle East. The prophecies from Isaiah, Ezekiel and the Book
of Revelation document the restoration of Israel, and it is
important to know what God has said about the kingdom of Israel, so
that you won't be taken in by the creation of Satan masquerading as
a fulfillment of prophecy. |