King Saul and King David are two prime examples of
the dangers that can come from a traumatized soul because they never
reached their full potential. It is clear that Saul suffered from
inferiority and insecurity, and instead of going to the Lord for
help, he let it fester and became consumed with jealously. David was
the youngest child and was put down by his older brothers. He
struggled with arrested development and this is why he had trouble
controlling his emotions when he became king. The Bible often refers to the soul as "the heart" or
"the flesh." The soul contains the sin nature and this is why God
told Jeremiah that the soul of a man is wicked and deceitful. It
vital for the born again spirit of a saved person to take control
over the soul; this is why the apostle Paul spoke about walking in
the spirit and not in the flesh as most Christians do. Are you are
weary of living a mediocre life, battling depression, and constantly
struggling to control your emotions? You can have victory on a daily
basis if you apply these biblical principles and your life will
change for the better. |