Adam was told to subdue the earth and manage what God
had created but eventually greed and lust for power caused mankind
to disregard the fact that everything is on loan from God. The
concept of money was invented before the flood and it carried over
afterwards with Noah’s descendants who used it to consolidate power
and these people would later become known as aristocrats. God had a
countermove to destroy Satan’s financial system and it was
represented by Melchizedek, the King of Salem. A person who gives a
tithe is willing to give up a portion of his income and this breaks
the power of hording and money control. Anyone who refuses to tithe
is a thief and will be cursed. God reaffirmed this spiritual law
with Moses and the prophet Malachi and Jesus never abolished the law
when He walked on the earth. A believer who practices tithing
effectively shows that they love the Lord and not money and there is
no root of evil in that person. |