People can become sick from accidents, man-made
toxins, illegal drug abuse, a promiscuous lifestyle, smoking
tobacco, drinking alcohol, and so on. However, the majority of
people get sick from the food they eat. It is obvious that people
living on poor food will eventually get sick; it's just a matter of
time before the body succumbs to the harmful diet. God had Moses write down precise laws concerning food
and popular foods today like pork, shrimp and lobster were listed as
unclean. Some people mistakenly think that Jesus did away with the
food laws and often point to Peter's vision in the book of Acts or
Paul's advice to Timothy in order to support their theory that all
food can now be eaten. Salvation is based upon faith in Christ, so food is
not a salvation issue, but disobeying God will cause your life on
earth to be cut short. With all that science has revealed, why do
Christians continue to eat unclean foods, artificial flavors and
sweeteners and meat filled with growth hormones and antibiotics? Who
are you going to please -- God or your stomach? |