Jesus came to the earth to pay for the sins of
mankind. No one else could obtain salvation for humanity. It was an
act where God the Father reconciled the world to Himself by having
Jesus hang on the cross and become sin for us. Jesus said that the
Old Testament law hinged upon treating your neighbor as yourself.
Love is therefore the motivating power in the life of a Christian.
Jesus came to fulfill the Law; He said that anyone who discarded the
Law because of societal changes, would be called the least in
heaven. Our Savior offers instant and complete forgiveness
the moment we repent. We can have an abundant life on earth and we
don't have to fear death because we will spend eternity in heaven
with God. If pastors are changing the Gospel in order to be
politically correct, does anyone really think God is okay with that?
Absolutely not! In fact, He abhors it when we make unauthorized
changes to the Bible. Jesus wants us to live and move in the love of
God and adhere to the Law and the Prophets. Observing these
unchangeable truths will cause you to enjoy God's unchangeable
blessings in this life and the hereafter. |