Jesus provided us with two signs to give an
indication where we are in relation to the end times. One of those
signs is that some will claim to be the messiah. The second would be
four events that occur at the same time: wars, famines, pestilences
and earthquakes. We are now in the Time of Sorrows preceding the
Antichrist and there is a sequence of events unfolding right before
our eyes. Jesus said that Christians would hated, persecuted and
killed around the world. Many people would be offended and betray
one another. There would be an abundance of false prophets and
teachers and sin would increase exponentially. Despite all these negative events, Jesus told the
apostles that it will still be possible for believers in Christ to
survive the reign of the Antichrist and be victorious. Our Savior
did not specifically tell us when these events would happen, only
the sequence so Christians could be confident in the Lord and
persevere during these tumultuous times. Remember, it’s not so
important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you
finish it! |