When you attend a school of higher learning, there
are often fundamental classes that must be taken before you get to
the classes that coincide with your specialty. The curriculum in
God's University is mandatory and there is no option for selecting
and dropping certain subjects.
Obedience 101 begins with repentance and the new birth mentioned by
Jesus in His conversation with Nicodemus. 101 is completed when you
follow the instructions of Jesus and are baptized in water. This
leads to Obedience 201 and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Most
Christians try to advance without this prerequisite and ignore the
fact that Jesus forbade the disciples from doing any kind of
ministry work in their own power.
This leads to Obedience 301, a tough class that most students fail
because they won't surrender their finances to the Lord. Very little
will happen in your life until you have embraced tithing and are
100% faithful. Adam and Eve failed the first obedience class. There
are a lot of benefits that come from taking and passing these
classes. How far will you go? |