Have you ever considered the fact that morality is
not taught in public schools? The secular school system teaches
reading, writing and arithmetic because these skills are necessary
in the workplace but the humanistic people in charge of schools
don't want to teach the next generation about godly values. Instead,
students are taught a perverted form of morality which encourages
fornication, Christianity is excluded while other religions are
freely examined and homosexuality with transgenderism being
promoted as legitimate lifestyles that need to be accepted. Someone
once said, "When you send your kids to Caesar, don't be surprised
when they start acting like Romans." God expects us to live a holy life filled with
morality but good works alone won't save you. There needs to be a
radical transformation that takes place when you are born again. The
Holy Spirit will become involved in your life and you will acquire a
love for the Bible, knowing truth and developing godly
characteristics. It is important for Christians to be light in a
dark world and to exemplify honor, integrity and decency. There is
no limit with God as you learn and grow. How far will you choose to
go? |