The prohibition on murder in the sixth commandment
was given to individuals but capital punishment has been in practice
since the days of Noah's flood. Dictators have abused it to
consolidate their hold on power and the Jewish leadership used it to
execute Jesus even though He was innocent. God provided a detailed system of laws to Moses
governing the death penalty. This means that if your home is invaded
or you and your family members are threatened, you have the
spiritual and legal right to defend yourself. Abraham and David
attacked and killed the marauders who kidnapped their respective
families. There isn't any place in the Bible where it says you have
to submit to a person who is trying to murder you. When Jesus arrived on the scene, He expanded on this
commandment by stating that slander and the destruction of a
person's reputation was like spiritual murder. Slander, backbiting
and gossip are created by the tongue and lead to murder, war and
destruction. The only remedy is repentance and being properly
educated about God's laws. The good news is that there is no limit
with God as you learn and grow. How far will you choose to go?