Lying is one of the seven abominations listed in the
Bible. God wants you to be honest in every situation because truth
is the cornerstone in God's creation. Without it there would be no
spiritual or physical laws. Imagine trying to solve a mathematical
equation with false data, it would be impossible to solve the
problem. Jesus declared that He was the embodiment of truth.
The apostle John said that God is light and there is no darkness
found in Him. In fact, it is impossible to have any kind of
meaningful relationship without truth because a lie will simply tear
it asunder. This is also true when you testify in court, when you
slander a person or are dishonest in business. It is difficult to
repair a relationship damaged by lies. Lying is a common habit for most people and it's
something that Christians even do subconsciously. Are you willing to
turn the spotlight on your life and expose any hidden lies that may
exist? A murderer will kill you and thief will steal from you but
you never know where you stand with a liar. This is why lies are
like cancer. They must be rooted out and the only remedy is
repentance. The good news is that there is no limit with God as you
learn and grow. How far will you choose to go? |