America is standing at the crossroads with the
upcoming presidential election. Hillary Clinton is a modern Queen
Jezebel in the way she promotes ungodliness, wants to remove
Christianity from all government agencies and stack the Supreme
Court with justices that will legislate immorality from the bench.
She is not walking with the Lord and only promotes evil. Donald
Trump on the other hand seemingly wants to uphold the constitution,
restore Christian values and stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
Trump is not a perfect man but he has said that he wants to do
certain things that are right. Satan hates this nation and is
diligently working to enslave the American people under a World
Government. There is virtually no difference between the Democratic
and Republican parties and many people are attracted to Trump’s
message of putting America first. The Bible tells us that
governments are instituted by God and that the people rejoice when
the righteous are in power. This nation was founded by men and women
who were deeply committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. America will be
destroyed if we don’t fervently pray and stand in the gap with our
votes since we are the last generation that knows the Lord. Are you
willing to do your part? |