Every Christian wants more faith but few understand
how obtain it. The Bible describes faith as something which is
invisible and undetectable to our senses. Faith in a sense is a
trust issue. As in, do I trust God to be there for me when I need
Him? Lazarus was sick and Mary and Martha watched their brother die.
They thought that Jesus had arrived too late but their faith grew
when He showed them death was no match for the Son of God. Jesus
showed it was just as easy to resurrect the dead as it was to heal
the sick. Then there was a leper who was an outcast and a Roman
centurion whose servant was sick. They desperately needed miracles
and Jesus responded to their faith. Jesus marveled at the Roman
officer’s strong faith and this is something for which you should
strive as well because it will remove any obstacle. Faith is a
spiritual substance that will materialize in your life when you are
willing to step into the unknown, believing that God will be there
to handle any situation that might arise. The good news is that
there is no limit with God as you learn and grow. How far will you
choose to go? |