Mercy is based upon the concepts of law and love and
cannot exist without them. God is holy and perfect and His laws
demand justice. Humanity is sinful because of Adam and Eve but this
is where mercy comes into play because of the work Jesus did on the
cross when He paid for the sins of mankind. You see, everyone would
die and end up in the Lake of Fire without mercy! But your responsibility doesn't end once you have
experienced the grace of God and been redeemed by the blood of
Jesus. Our Savior wants you to show mercy to others in the same way
it was extended to you. Can you imagine what life would be like if
mercy was applied in marriage, at church, in your workplace and even
in traffic? We would be filled with joy unspeakable! Jesus wants you to be salt and light in this fallen
world where there is a lot of wickedness and immorality. Treat other
people with mercy and it will return to you. And even if they don't,
continue to show them mercy because that's what the Lord expects.
You have only to look upon Jesus' life as an example. The good news
is that there is no limit with God as you learn and grow. How far
will you choose to go? |