The redemptive work of Jesus on the cross is
established on forgiveness; it is the centerpiece in God's plan for
mankind but wasn't made available to Lucifer and the fallen angels.
God will forgive anyone who repents of their sins and trusts in
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But it doesn't end there.
Jesus told us that we also must also forgive one another since God
has chosen to forgive humanity. Now forgiving those who hurt you doesn't come
naturally; it is something you must practice on a daily basis. Give
your sorrow, anger, grief, shame, rejection, hurt and bitterness to
the Lord. Let Him deal with it as you make the conscious decision to
forgive. If you choose to harbor unforgiveness, it will hinder your
relationship with God, negatively affect your immune system and
bring sickness to your body. You can't live victoriously when there is
unforgiveness in your soul! The joy of the Lord is one of the keys
to good health and Jesus promised us an abundant life when we
walking according to His teachings. The good news is that there is
no limit with God as you learn and grow. How far will you choose to
go? |