This year isn’t over yet and we have already witnessed record
snowfalls, flooding, heat waves and wild fires. Are these just
natural disasters or is God trying to tell our nation something?
Some would dismiss or make light of such an idea but God has used
weather related calamities in the past to wake up people from their
sinful living. The most severe judgments were Noah’s flood, the
plagues upon Egypt and the future catastrophes recorded in the Book
of Revelation. And yet there will always be cynics who say these
weather related events are nothing more than natural disasters. The
prophet Daniel knew that the people of Judah had sinned, and so when
judgment arrived, he was carried off to Babylon with the rest of the
people into captivity. Even though he was righteous, Daniel was
castrated and made to serve the king that destroyed his homeland.
Daniel was a godly man who grieved over the sins of his people and
didn’t harbor any bitterness toward his conquerors. Instead, he was
willing to identify with his people and asked God to forgive them.
His powerful prayer is a model on how we ought to intercede for our
nation. If you are willing to rise up, God is faithful and you will
see Him work in your community. |