People often look up at the sky and wonder if there
is life on other planets. The Bible says there are billions of angel
civilizations throughout the universe. God uses them to regulate the
creation and control the Devil and his fallen angels. The angels
were created before mankind with spiritual bodies and they can move
from their dimension to ours if they so choose. They are eternal and
never die, their number is so vast, it is impossible to count them.
Lucifer wanted to be like God and convinced one-third
of the angels to join his rebellion. He started a war during this
pre-Adamic time period and it spread throughout the universe. The
last battle took place on Lucifer's home planet, causing massive
destruction to the surface of the earth, and this is where Genesis
1:2 begins the second creation narrative. Lucifer and his fallen
angels were captured and brought to trial, where they were
subsequently sentenced to the Lake of Fire. He must have accused God
of being unloving, because the Bible says mankind was created to
prove God's righteousness. The earth today is highly regulated by
God's holy angels and Satan and his fallen angels are kept on a
leash. |