The incarnation of Jesus was a supernatural event
that was carried out by the Holy Spirit and angels. Gabriel appeared
to Zacharias and set in motion the predicted forerunner to the
Messiah. Six months later Gabriel appeared to a teenaged virgin
named Mary and she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. An angel was
also dispatched to Joseph to explain what had happened to Mary. In order to financially support Joseph and Mary,
angels prepared a star to appear in the east over Babylon as an
indicator to wise men who had been waiting for such an event that
signified the Messiah’s birth. The star led them to Jerusalem and
then to Bethlehem where they worshiped the child and presented
kingly gifts. Angels told the wise men to avoid King Herod and also
warned Joseph to take his family to Egypt. The apostle Peter was released from prison by an
angel and in the book of Hebrews we are told that angels
periodically visit believers in Christ. Angels will also play a
major role during the time of the Antichrist, the second coming of
Christ and the 1,000 year kingdom. Angels do not take orders from
humanity but we can call upon the Lord and He will send angelic
help! |