Moses would not have survived infancy if God had not
intervened and used his mother and sister as well as the daughter of
Pharaoh to preserve his life. Moses spent his first forty years as
an Egyptian prince and living a life of ease. That all changed when
he killed an Egyptian and fled into the desert and where he met
Jethro, who provided him with a wife and he spent the next forty
years working as a shepherd for his father-in-law. He was a broken
man working for wages and one could surmise he was just waiting to
die when God called him from the burning bush. The Lord is looking
for men and women who will die unto self, not having any ambitions
to be great in man’s eyes. This former prince was transformed by God
to a shepherd and then into a statesmen, judge and military
commander. Moses had a rocky marriage with Zipporah and it was his
hot temper which cost him the honor of leading the children of
Israel into the Promised Land. Nevertheless, he was later awarded
the distinction of ministering to Jesus on the Mount of
Transfiguration. Moses responded to God’s call and made his mark in
history. What will you do? |