Unbelief is like an infectious flu virus which
spreads from person to person. It hinders the Lord from working and
is this is why it is one of the Devil's choice weapons. Moses was
initially filled with unbelief but it was God's wrath and
self-preservation which drove him to obey. Moving the Israelites out
of Egypt to the Promised Land was no easy task. Pharaoh made life
worse for his slaves, causing the Hebrew leaders to lose all
confidence in the Lord. Unbelief led to idolatry, envy and rebellion
and song called, "Let's go back to Egypt," which they sang many
times before they finally entered the Promised Land. God is not one
to tolerate insurrection and there were consequences for their
actions. The apostle Paul made it clear in his letter to the Hebrews
that God does not like murmuring or when people disobey Him. You
cannot please God without faith and rebellion is likened to
witchcraft. God is looking for people with a deep abiding faith, who
are willing to be obedient in all things. Remember, it's not so
important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you
finish it! |