When Paul spoke of circumcision and uncircumcision,
he was referring to Jews and Gentiles. Abraham became the father of
the Israelites but he is also the father to all Gentiles who have
faith in the Messiah. So who was Abraham? He was a direct descendent
of Shem, who was the son of Noah. In the biblical genealogy, we find
that Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah. The first eleven
chapters of Genesis were passed from Noah to Shem and onward. Noah
had also brought with him the Books of Enoch, which provided more
details about life before the flood and knowledge about the Messiah.
In fact, there is more Gospel found in the Books of Enoch than the
first eleven chapters of Genesis. Abraham was a Chaldean from the
city of Ur who was called by God to go into a strange land. He made
the journey in faith and was circumcised fifteen years after his
arrival. Circumcision is a sign and a seal that a man is made
righteous through his faith in God. Paul made it clear that
Abraham's righteousness did not depend upon works, but upon his
faith in God and the future Messiah. |