Do you remember the day you were born again? Each of
us remembers it differently but the joy and peace that flooded each
soul is the same. More than likely you have been afflicted by the
Devil since that time and might even feel like a soldier who has
been in combat zone so long that he is counting the days until he is
sent home. If so, it is time to refresh yourself and realize how
blessed you are. There are only two destinations when you die and
leave the earth - heaven or hell. Your physical body is just a temporary vehicle but
your soul is eternal. Heaven is only possible because we are
justified by the work that Jesus did on the cross. That doesn't mean
everyone is automatically justified. Jesus made it clear humanity
must be born again to avoid hell. There is no self-justification
since the salvation work was done exclusively by Jesus. This leaves
us with two responsibilities. First, repent and receive forgiveness,
and secondly, share the good news with others. Once we recognize the
awesome gift of salvation and justification, any persecution we
encounter won't faze us because our mindset is eternal. |