One of the hardest things for a human being to
understand is the love of God because we are self-centered, easily
provoked, quick to judge, full of gossip and born liars. We don't
have a lot to offer God because we are marred by sin, in fact, many
Christians don't even like themselves and struggle with the idea of
a loving God. They feel that God the Father merely tolerates them
because Jesus died for their sins and just can't accept the fact
that God loves them. They mistakenly believe that God loves everyone
else but them. Does this describe you? If so, you are full of
unbelief, questioning God's integrity, calling God a liar, and more
or less stating that Jesus is unable to save everyone. King David is described as a man after God's own
heart even though he was a liar, adulterer and murderer. David
repented and the Holy Spirit used him to write about repentance and
restoration. Faith and love are cornerstones in Christianity; they
are not mutually exclusive and cannot exist without each other. You
too can have victory if you are willing to repent of your unbelief
and believe that perfect love casts out all fear. |