Humanity encountered sin when Adam and Eve died
spiritually in the Garden of Eden and their fellowship with Jesus
was broken. The law of God provides us with the knowledge of sin and
this is why Paul told us to rejoice in the atonement provided by the
cross. Noah and Abraham each had a personal covenant with God but
only the First Covenant provided atonement and a promise concerning
the land of Canaan that depended upon the behavior of the
Israelites. The land covenant was voided by God when the Israelites
failed in their obligation. The atonement of the First Covenant came
to an end when Jesus died on the cross and made eternal amends for
the sins of mankind. This ushered in the Second Covenant, which was
an eternal agreement between God the Father and God the Son. It is
perfect because both parties are able to keep the requirements and
mankind does nothing but accept the finished work. God the Father
reconciled humanity to himself with the death of his dear Son and
the only way to enter into the Second Covenant is to be born again.